2015年10月3日 星期六

IOS 9點慳流動數據

以下幾步閂IOS 9功能 幫你慳錢㗎!

step 1
iOS 9 1

step 2
iOS 9 2

step 3
iOS 9 3
iOS 9 4

Source : http://www.nmplus.hk/home/%E6%95%99%E4%BD%A0ios-9%E9%BB%9E%E6%85%B3%E6%B5%81%E5%8B%95%E6%95%B8%E6%93%9A/

2015年9月24日 星期四

iphone 洗機 4 式

呢個Step相信個個都知,但長氣啲都要講多次。重設位於「設定」入面的「一般」,「睩」到落底就會見到「重設」,記住選擇「清除所有內容及設定」。電話會要求你輸入密碼(如果你電話有set密碼),電話會再要求你輸入iCloud帳號的密碼,輸入完電話就會開始重設,見到 Hello 字眼就代表完成,Apple 已幫你清理晒電話入面嘅所有資料,包括信用卡資料,指紋鎖及iCloud設定。
2.iCloud vs iTunes in the Cloud
做完 Step 1,只係清左電話入面嘅資料,但係iCloud及iTunes in the Cloud入面仍然有呢部電話嘅資料,要用電腦先可以清除。其實兩個Cloud都係Apple的,只係儲存的資料有所不同:iCloud 儲存你email,backup及同步資料;iTunes in the Cloud則儲存你喺iTunes下載過的所有資料,方便你隨時拎番出黎。
至於iTunes in the Cloud則要在iTunes中移除。先開啓iTunes,在「帳戶資訊」中的雲端iTunes(iTunes in the Cloud)點按管理裝置,就可以移除裝置連結。
3.管理受信任裝置(Trusted Devices)
睇完以上「洗機4式」,係咪準備好換iPhone 6s呢?雖然部機都仲未出,不過都先祝大家抽機好運,Bookmark 定備用啦。


2014年9月18日 星期四

Add and display public Google calendar on Android device

Add a public Google calendar to your Android device

Subscribing to a Google calendar on Android is actually a two-step process. You must first subscribe to the calendar using the web version of Google Calendar and then add it to your Android device.
Subscribing to ical on Google Calendar web:
Step 1: go to Google Calendar on the web
Step 2: Choose "Other calendars"

Step 3: In the dropdown menu, choose "Add by URL"

Step 4: Insert our calendar's ical address (You need to search by yourself), click "Add Calendar," and you should be all set.

Adding subscribed calendars to Android:
Step 1: On your Android device, you may have to clear the existing calendars and re-sync the data for a new calendar to show up.
  • Settings / Applications / Manage Applications / Calendar -> Clear Data
  • then Settings / Applications / Manage Applications / Calendar Storage -> Clear Data
Wait a few minutes and you should be able to see the new calendar. If it does the new calendar does not show up, also do the following:
  • Settings / Accounts & sync -> select your account, uncheck the "Sync Calendar" option 
  • Wait a few minutes and re-check the Sync Calendar option to see
Keep in mind that if you have 2-step verification enabled on your phone, you may have to remove the account entirely and re-add it.

2014年4月5日 星期六

Use Adobe Flash Player with Android 4.4 (KitKat)

1) Download Dolphin Browser 

Download link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mobi.mgeek.TunnyBrowser

2) Download the hacked flash player

Download link: HERE

Warning: Make sure that you have uninstall the flash player installed in your device and then install the hacked one for compatibility reason.

If your devices refused to install apk outside Google Play, you may set in your device (Settings> Securities> Unknown resources) to allow installation of apps from unknown sources.

3) Make sure that the flash setting in Dolphin Browser (Click Menu>Settings>Web Content>Flash Player) is on.

Flash Player is not officially supported and therefore the speed of loading of flash video may be slow. However, I have tried many sites such as YouTube and Hulu. They all work properly with satisfactory results.

After that you can open flash and flash game on your mobile or tablet.


Thanks all.